Saturday, November 28, 2009

olympic gym

November 2040 - Tom Smith is 34, Madison Miller-Kim is 32, Brooklyn Miller-Kim is 8 (Jamie Phillips is 31).

Tom has been a soccer star for a long time, and he decides it's time to move on. He's been thinking about starting a business for a while, and he finally does it.

He buys an old warehouse in New Athens and turns it into a fitness center, Olympic Gym. Membership is only $22 per month, and it covers use of the equipment, the hot tub, and the sauna. They also offer massages for $100. For the most part, Tom handles membership sales while Madison gives the massages.

 Right now they offer Swedish massages as well as hot stone massages, which they learned while on vacation at Twikkii Island.

Additionally, Tom offers his services as a personal trainer. People in New Athens seem pretty excited about having a star soccer player giving them workout tips.

Tom's sister Jamie stops by on opening day and buys a membership. "I could use help losing some of this baby weight."

By the time they close the doors on opening day, the gym has had a reasonable stream of customers all day.

"I'm proud of you, babe," Madison tells him. "This place is great."

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