Sunday, August 9, 2009

she waits faithfully

2005 - Jack Cooper is 26, Jillian Piper Cooper is 23.

Jillian had always imagined herself in a beautiful townhouse, surrounded by friends and family, attending elegant parties with her sophisticated husband by her side. But in college she fell in love with Jack Cooper. He was poor but ambitious, and he promised that he would give her everything her heart desired. He graduated, and she waited for him, lonely but faithful as he built his empire.

It wasn't everything she had dreamed. They get married as soon as she graduates, but it's in a small ceremony in their own yard. Her parents refuse to attend, and he refuses to invite his. He leaves her alone a lot, in a house that is beautiful and elegant, but remote and empty. When she gives birth to their first child less than a year after their wedding, she's overjoyed, not just to be a mother, but because now she won't be alone anymore.

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