Sunday, September 13, 2009

post grads

September 2008 - John Smith is 22, Abby Stein Smith is 22, Tom Smith is 22 (Madison Miller-Kim is 20, Pierce Phillips is 20, Jamie Smith is 19).

John and Abby get married right after college. They waited four years to get engaged, but they're only engaged for a few months before their marriage. His mother is a little miffed that they didn't have a wedding, but they wanted to handle things simply.

They found their dream house in Arcadia just a few houses away from his parents' house. But it's out of their price range for now, so they move to an apartment in New Athens. They'll have to wait on the house, and all of the things that go with a house - a yard, a dog, kids. Right now it's just the two of them and their careers.

Abby starts working as a partner in James' architectural firm, and John gets a job as an associate in Miranda Kim's law firm.

John finds it a little strange to be working for Miranda; she's known him since he was a toddler. But she founded the first law firm in New Athens, and she's one of the best lawyers in the state. He's already the top associate in the firm, and he's hoping to make partner in a few years. He and Abby are both absorbed in their careers, but sometimes on the weekend they take a walk past the house in Arcadia and think about their future.


Tom has been playing soccer his whole life, and he was the star of their college team. His parents were skeptical when he first told them he wanted to pursue a career in sports, but after college he gets a job as an assistant coach with the Arcadia children's soccer league.

He celebrates by throwing a party at his apartment. He lives in New Athens only a few blocks from John and Abby, but in a much trendier building - The Warehouse, which is mostly studio apartments inhabited by young single twenty-somethings.

He invites Jamie, and she brings her fiancee, Pierce Phillips. "Be nice," she warns her brothers. "I don't want you to scare him off."

But Tom and Pierce hit it off right away. Pierce is on the college soccer team, and he's idolized Tom for years.

"I'm a big fan," Pierce confesses.

Tom laughs. "I like to hear that." He winks at Jamie. "Jamie's been telling me lots of good things about you."

Jamie looks embarrased, but Pierce just laughs. "Well I say lots of good things about Jamie."

It's new for them, Jamie having a boyfriend. She's his little sister; he has to protect her. "Hey," he tells Jamie, "I like him. You found a good one."

It's a good party. John, Tom, and Jamie play pool in the apartment building's rec room.

Tom orders pizza, and he and Jamie enjoy a few slices along with a game of kicky ball.

Tom got a keg for the party, and he ends up drinking more than his share.

"I'll stay with him," Madison offers. She sticks around after everyone else is gone and tries to sober him up with pizza. They talk for hours about every imaginable topic. It's always been so easy being together.

They don't mean to end up in bed together, but it's impossible for them to stay away from each other.

"You're engaged," he says.

"That was a mistake." She kisses him. "I'm not the marrying type."

Tom doesn't think of himself as a heartbreaker. He was raised by good parents in a nice country home. He knows he should feel guilty about sleeping with another man's fiancee. But he's loved Madison since he was fourteen; he knows he can't let her go.

1 comment:

  1. Wo! Sounds exciting. I can't believe how detailed the stories have gotten, and the pictures go with it wonderful.
