Sunday, October 18, 2009

in search of a ninja

May 2034 - Martin Miller and Miranda Kim are 53.

Since Madison is grown and living on her own, Martin and Miranda have been taking advantage of their empty house by taking frequent trips to Takemizu Village.

They bought a vacation home in Takemizu Village after their first vacation there.

This trip runs into the beginning of the rainy season, which means there are fewer tourists. Martin and Miranda have traveled so frequently since they bought the house that Takemizu Village feels like a second home.

They go back to visit the wise old man who taught them the Tale of the Dragon. He's a very nice man, and they love to hear his stories about the history of the village.

And Miranda finally finds the ninja and convinces him to teach her teleportation. She and Martin have been searching for him since their first trip (their daughter Madison learned on her first trip out of the hotel).


Madison really did learn to teleport on her first trip to a community lot. Since then, I've had Martin and Miranda visit as many community lots as possible, but they haven't had any luck finding the ninja and getting him to teach them. Now that Miranda has learned, I can focus on getting Martin to learn how to teleport.

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